A.V. Phibes is the founder, boss and head artist at Evilkid Productions (and retired sideshow performer). She's making a
killing on licensing her cell phone wallpaper designs to ___, and is an all around graphic designing goddess. E-cards, stickers, desktop art, original art, IM icons, tatoo art, comix, mugs...the list goes on...is all available at her website. But today we're going to focus on her cell phone wallpaper, because that's where the money is. And who doesn't want to make a cell phone cheerier while earning extra cash?

Q+A goes here
More Evilkid stuff...IM icon...


a belt buckle...

and I just loved this...
a magnet...

So go visit A.V. Phibes at
Evilkid.com and see the zillions of other designs on her site!
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