Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Footballs and Little Dogs

Un-fashion related...this could be your day in New York:

7am: wake up and step outside pee from your neighbor who unfortunately is crazy. Only yesterday she owned up to her little dog, who she doesn't take outside, peeing on your apartment door. This morning, she denied her dog had any involvement in the little puddle outside the door, swearing that someone walks through your little lobby every morning, in fact, random people do all the time, and they are peeing on the door. She has the surveillance to prove it. You don't even have a fire escape or sprinkler system, so the building does absolutely not have surveillance. There are no cameras with this spyware she talks about. No, it's all satellite. So a satellite can see into your lobby to catch the perp. Apparently years ago, she crossed the wrong man, and now needs constant surveillance (she's a tiny 60 or 70 year old woman). Helicopters circle almost every day at midnight and 2am, she says. We live across from some projects, so there are helicopters...I asked to see the tapes. I'll let you know what's on them.

9:30am: get chewed up and spit out by Vendor at work for being ridiculing and sarcastic in a previous email, which you weren’t. You were direct, but not sarcastic. In fact, quite the contrary.

1pm-3pm: attend database meeting to learn new functions of database and get exposed to all you didn't know you could do with a tool you've been using for a year.

3pm: think about going to fabric store to find fabric for possible new shoe rack design, but are still spinning from Vendor, Crazy Neighbor, and that darn database

3:45pm: walk home from Broadway from the 1/9 train. Politely wait for two little punks to unblock the exit door from the subway, and start to head home. Once in the sunshine, enjoy your walk and listen to voicemails. Notice football thrown just above your head from across the street, where the punks are also walking. Ignore it. Notice it again hit the wall above your head, and fall to the ground behind you. Continue trying to concentrate on your voicemail. Notice the ball hit the wall again, and turn to see that no one is there to even receive the ball, and stare at the kids in disbelief, wanting desperately to squeeze their heads, while keeping in mind that they really might have guns or knives or something, which is no match for your cell phone.

4pm: check work email

5pm: walk dog and sit in sun (yeah!)

6pm-9pm: attend childbirth meeting to further discuss forming a coalition of NY childbirth groups, and find yourself leaping over the table to start a blog which will feature the latest news and developments from these groups

That's about it. It's 10pm, and you've just sat down from the day.

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