Monday, March 05, 2007

Love Those Ongoing LWL Incubator Meetings!

...originally posted on the Ladies Who Launch blog...

fashionmistaby, FashionMista

Brrr!!! (picture of cold nyc night from my window is below)

As usual, the Ongoing Incubator meeting for the month poured energy and confidence into every attendee pitching her ideas to traveling groups around a room. Yes, we traveled in groups, by color and number, and practiced pitching our companies to each other, but then there was a twist. At each destination, we had to answer a special question: what was your biggest accomplishment of 2007 (projecting); where will you be in 2012 (aka the dreaded 5 year plan question); how have you helped the world.

All such open ended questions we just made up answers to on the spot, or for some, the answers have seeded and it's a pleasure to express where we truly hope to be in a year or five. This form of networking, or group therapy, or whatever, is like AA but for launching ladies, like "I'm going to LWL" and instead of reaffirming how you won't drink, you're reaffirming how you will launch, and keep launching.

And then it was so fun catching up with everyone, like little Kayla Designs with her super special jewelry, Reel Invitations, and a few others who don't have websites yet. Then there was Kathlin Argiro who've I'd never met, but had referred another designer friend to from a design group in my life, who I have also never met, and the two were like long lost soles! Then I saw Alexandra the personal stylist, but how could I have missed her in her very designy/artistic dress from some fabulous designer?

Of course the evening left me so bubbly, that I had to type about it. And believe me, I've fallen off the blogging wagon because since I quit my job to expand and take Katie James full time (Yes! third day on the job for Katie James!) I've actually been quite busy launching the much needed beauty product review site, (ps: she's got a great review on Fresh's rice face cream - love Fresh)!

So as the wind blows around and inside of my apartment, I've decidedly ignored gmail to go straight to the LWL blog, while under the covers of my velvet topped bed, dog curled up at the foot of it, with a hostess chocolate bad thing right next to me to take care of the persistent PMS craving.

Happy Launching!

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