Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first Tweetup in NY

Here is my first participation in a Tweetup (David calls it a Tweeter Party). @KatjaPresnal, formerly of and now of Lady Bug Landings and her social marketing consulting business, organized the shindig at Le Pain Quotidien at W. 58th and 7th Ave. Even though it rained, we had several out of towners! Including @ReelInvitations from CT ( and @PopJudaica from Brooklyn ( @SavvyAuntie was there, and we talked about her site Savvy Auntie site for baby and toddler gifts, and how I purchased something from it that day. Newcomers for me were @BabiesGottaHavT who is a one woman show with her baby as they vlog about baby products, and @kaibigan7, a photo retoucher and in demand at the table.

So you can imagine the conversations! And then, @PopJudiaca pulled out bunches of her hot Schlep Totes (pictured)! And I actually had to use it on my way to my next outing!


Katja said...

Thank you so much for coming! It was fun, we have to do it a monthly thing! Next one is October 15th (I can't quite wait for whole month before seeing you again).

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie! It was really Was that from your iPhone - Awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a fun day. You ladies are so incredibly inspiring!

Unknown said...

It was so fun! Yes, picture was really from my iPhone, zoomed up to the web via my Flickr account and email. The I wrote the post and linked to everyone this morning. xo!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to have been there and met you! See you next time I hope!