Here are some random, but important thoughts as I build about 20 tables on 6 pages while I drink my tall-half-caff-one-pump-vanilla-no-foam-latte:
- Why ARE my spider looking veins slowly spreading on my thigh right avove the outside of my knee? I haven't been crossing my legs as much. I need a job where I don't sit down as much.
- If I call my co-worker again to ask about the latest between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, I don't know what she will think.
- These random thoughts remind me of when my roommate in college and I would lie in our dorm beds and ask each other and the dark: "Did you ever wonder why...(insert dreamy thought here)."
- Is David drinking his Gatorade like I advised him to get rid of his headache?
- Why can't I remember the last internal phone call I made to my co-worker just ten minutes ago, so that I could put it on the blog?
- I really want to go salsa dancing, and will settle for shaking it in my office chair in the meantime.
- Oh yeah, we talked about the best ways of using the mouse on a laptop, and how she one-hands it, and I use two hands (one on the touch pad and one on the clicker) and how her hand eventually forms into a claw.
- I wish caffeine did not give me hot flashes and I could just drink it like a Normal Person.
- I'm so glad someone in my building gave away this Estoy Nunca cd. I never would have thought to buy it.
- Must get quarters at the bank for laundry. MUST!
- Who knew caffeine was spelled with an 'e' in the middle, instead of just 'caffine'? Hm.
These are my thoughts for now. There may be more later. I have a few hours left of monotonous work...
this is more like it!
So, your willing to accept "stolen" music from someone in your building, but refuse to share it on account of the law? How does this morally make sense?
You wont steal the bike itself, but you are willing to turn a blind eye to he (or she) who does because it in some way benifits you.. and THEN, once you have it, you refuse to let anyone else ride it.
What? No no no. The cd was placed in a known spot in the building's lobby where people give things away. I've put dishes down there, which started a spring cleaning of dishes in the building as everyone swapped dish sets. This cd was one of those items. I've given away PLENTY of clothes down there. And shoes.
As for your bike analagy. Not so sure it holds up. I am not willing to turn a blind eye to someone who steals a bike because it benefits me. However, when I was almost robbed once in Charleston by a young kid posing to raise money for his choir, who instead let himself into our house. I took his bike. It was an old beach bike. He was apprehended by the police, and left his bike at our house. I kept it. Not sure how to get it back to him, you know? I've had a bike stolen from me from my own driveway, and believe me, no blind eye was turned. A friend had his bike stolen right off of our front porch another time, and again, I certainly did not benefit. I have never benefited from a stolen bike.
I also do not file share, as a policy. I break that policy for family members, and believe me, karma comes and bites me in the ass. My $1200 Adobe Creative Suite is funked up now because I have shared it with my father, my brother, and a co-worker in need. Now it's on shaky ground.
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