Pictures of Central Park in the 2 feet of snow we got today!! Gerdy had such fun running in the snow. It was so deep, she was leaping in slow motion. hehe! Her friend, Lucy, was a much better bounder and leaper. Gerdy's favorite part was sticking her whole head into the snow, as if she was going under water.

Gerdy's friend, Lucy.

The woods of Central Park in the upper west side...the old home of the 'wild dogs' who Gerdy befriended for a year...which a whole other story.
Are they really wild dogs or just pretending?
Great photos!
There really were two wild dogs living in Central Park for many years. They had many litters between them up in Harlem. The puppies would be taken by people who knew the dogs. Gerdy befriended them and they shared their food with her (people would leave dog food for them). After a while, they alowed me to hang around their den until Gerdy was done playing.
They have many stories of survival, but eventually they were trapped in their own 'home' that someone set up for them made out of a cardboard box. A woman volunteering for the Humane Society set up the trap, and when she got them, after a big chase up into Harlem, she eventually got them. She tried placing them, but how do you place two wild dogs, while keeping them together, as they were life-long companions. I thought they had been put to sleep, but a year later, I saw them both on a leash - with the woman. She had adopted them herself, and is now looking for a way all three of them can fly back to her homeland of Australia.
that's an interesting story. I sorta feel like they should have left them there, as they seemed to be enjoying their wild- no leash life. Gerdy's a beauty! I want a dog so badly. Last night I had a dream that Adam got 2 puppies that looked like my brown "pound puppy" stuffed animal from when i was little. then I woke up and was very sad that I indeed was dogless. however I still love my 2 kitties.
waiting for the dinah goes to Paris collage
I feel the same way about the dogs. They do love their new mom/owner, and the Park system had hunted the dogs before. The girl dog had gotten hit with a tranquilizer, but out ran the Parks people to hide out in Harlem. David discussed the dogs with the Parks people before when scouting Central Park, and they did not like the dogs, as they considered them nuisances. I mean, they did hunt the wildlife, and Central Park is a conservatory.
But, they were so peaceful in there on good days. The last photo in this series was where we would quietly walk past the female hound while she was lounging like a lion on the hillside. When Gerdy and I walked at night, I always felt safe b/c I had two (literal) killer dogs who trusted me (and one dog named Gerdy who is not a great guard dog). I don't go up there at night so much anymore, mainly b/c they are not there to protect me.
As for your dream: sadness! Pound Puppies were the cutest things to ever hit ToysRUs. All real-life dogs should be gotten from the pound. Gerdy was! ANd the other dog, Lucy, was rescued from an abandoned parkinglot.
Dinah Goes To Paris will be created after these websites launch, as a mind relaxer...
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