Friday, July 29, 2005


Instead of BoyFriendForHire, I worked with the folks at BloggerForum about my issues in technical difficulties (I only link you to this FTP SOS in case you come across this in search engines and need help setting your blog to your FTP. Be warned: I begin to ramble in my replies). If you're going to move your blog to you FTP, do your research (because I didn't, and there's no turning back), because there are lots of little steps to be aware of.

To sum up, I thought I'd be fancy and move my blog from Blogger to my website. I had trouble doing it, and someone at BloggerForum guided me in the right direction. Sure beats Blogger Help, who failed me this round, miserably. I'm quite disappointed, as I searched around for FTP blog issues and I'm not the only one who stumbled through the FTP settings, and then wanted to go back to being published at blogger. As far as I can tell, you cannot go back to your old blog, at least not at this time. Blogger Help has not responded to this problem anywhere, and there are others who are facing the problem.

In better news, I'm on my new PowerBook! My fingers fly over the titanium keys of this tiny little 12". If my kitty were a computer, this is what she'd be. So cute.

I'm off on a spontaneous vacation till Tuesday. After that, I plan to make a bunch of jewelry pouches, make a list of boutiques to visit, and start selling these pups. Wish me luck, and send any ideas of NY boutiques my way. Happy weekend!

Shout outs:
BloggerForum for FTP issues

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